Monday, December 2, 2013

Navigational and Display Attributes

Display attributes - You can display these attributes of the main info object in the query but cannot drill down beyond these attributes and apply some formula's.

We cannot restrict the display attribute nor can we create variables on them at query level.

Navigational attributes - You can display these attributes in the query as well as apply drill down beyond these attributes and apply formula's and do some calculation.

We can restrict the navigational attribute and also create variables on them at query level.

Lets consider we have objects Material, Material type and sales amount. We have the below data.

Material    Material Type  Sales amount

M1          ABC                   200
M2          ABC                   300
M3          XYZ                   500
M4          XYZ                   400
M5          TYS                   600
M6          XYZ                   100

Navigational Attribute:

Assume that Material type is as navigation attribute to master data Material. If we want to have an analysis about the sales based on Material Type. Since 'Material Type' is navigational attribute we have an independent drill down of 'Material Type' without the support of Material in report .

Material Type   Sales amount

ABC                   500
XYZ                  1000
TYS                   600

Here Material Type  is an attribute of Material, as we made this as navigational attribute, it can be standalone in report without Material.

Display Attribute:

We cannot go for individual drill down to 'Material Type' without Material, i.e. if we want 'Material Type' in our report then we have to drill down Material along with 'Material Type'. Report output will be as below.

Material  Material Type Sales amount

M1            ABC               200
M2            ABC               300
M3            XYZ               500
M4            XYZ               400
M5            TYS               600
M6            XYZ               100

Just observe the report in our first case is having only three records with aggregated value based on 'Material Type' but in the second we have 6 records.
